The original and only BS/MD Application Boot for high school juniors who are applying to BS/MD programs.
College Admissions Education in the USA
The best summer college prep camp to increase your chances of getting accepted to the Ivies!
Our senior admissions counselors, Dr. Paul R. Lowe and Dr. Nadine Cartwright-Lowe are active members of the following organizations that uphold the ethical and professional standards and principles of good admission practices in college and independent school counseling: National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), New Jersey Association for College Admission Counseling (NJACAC), New York State Association for College Admissions Counseling (NYSACAC) and International Association for College Admissions Counseling (IACAC).
Unlike other U.S. educational consultants and certainly foreign educational agents, Dr. Paul Lowe and his team of admissions advisors at International Admissions Advisors spend their time actually visiting private school and Ivy League and highly selective universities and graduate school campuses. By continuously and annually visiting campuses, they are able to obtain, real-time information, knowledge, insider perspective and insight about each educational institution thereby providing their clients with a competitive advantage to be accepted into their top choice schools. No other U.S. educational consultant or foreign education agent has our on-site campus knowledge! Click here or the image to see where we visit!
Dr. Lowe visiting MIT
At International Admissions Advisors, we use our knowledge, research, insight and experience, expertise and strong professional relationships to assist international students and families for admissions to: Undergraduate: Ivy League and highly selective colleges and Combined BS/MD Programs. We know that we have better college admissions success with international students and applicants than any education agents and any other U.S. college counselor. Admissions Blog: "Need a Successful College Admissions Advisor? Go with a Winner!"
As the international affiliate of Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group, we provide the following college admissions advisory services that help international students get accepted to the best U.S. colleges:
Unlike other U.S. educational consultants and certainly foreign educational agents, we are not just about the fit. We are about the competitive advantage to win and acceptance into top schools! Admissions is a competitive sport, we are about winning not losing! Our international clients hire us because they want to win first place in the admissions game. Admissions Blog: "College Admissions Is A Competitive Sport - How To Win Your Personal Admissions Game!"
*America's Premier Admissions & Independent Educational Consultants for International Students & Families - Education in the USA*
Dr. Lowe visits Brown, his alma mater, 4 times each year. He is a former area chair of Brown Alumni Interviewers. Each year, several of our clients are admitted to Brown. It's important to hire an admissions expert who continually visits Ivy League and highly selective colleges and universities! Dr. Lowe knows what you can't possibly know!
Woodbridge: 203.387.1574 | Greenwich: 203.542.7288 | Manhattan: 212.829.4341 | White Plains: 914.705.5519 | Fort Lee: 201.490.1037
© 2025 Pinnacle Educational Center, LLC. All rights reserved. International Admissions Advisors, LLC is a division of Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group.